Please see the index below for a list of all our articles on Knee Surgery.

If you are new to the subject, we recommend starting with: Knee Surgery for Arthritis

Knee osteotomy is the cutting of bone to correct the knee’s alignment and improve its function with the goal of reducing chronic arthritis knee pain.
Learn the difference between an open and closed knee osteotomy and the step-by-step description of the surgical procedure.

The artificial joint used in knee replacement surgery is made up of man-made components. Artificial knee components can be made from metal, plastic, or ceramic; can be custom made and gender-specific; and can be affixed with or without cement.

Learn how long it takes to recover from knee replacement surgery, what can slow down your recovery, and what you can do to make recovery easier.
During the first few weeks after discharge, a knee replacement patient will be most concerned with controlling pain, taking care of the surgical incision, getting enough sleep, and doing physical therapy. Knowing when to seek immediate medical care is important.
Living with a knee replacement requires a few lifestyle adjustments. To protect the new knee, a doctor may discourage certain activities and encourage others. Also, the new knee may feel different than a natural knee.
About 4 to 6 weeks after knee replacement surgery, patients will focus on how to walk without crutches or a cane, straighten and bend the knee, and return to everyday activities. Most people are able to cut back on pain medications by this time.

Knee Surgery is a treatment option for patients severely affected by knee arthritis pain. This doctor reviewed article describes the types of knee surgeries for arthritis.
