Please see the index below for a list of all our articles on Osteoarthritis.

If you are new to the subject, we recommend starting with: What Is Osteoarthritis?

A physician or other health care provider can make recommendations about how to reduce ankle arthritis pain. Initial recommendations may include changes in footwear, physical therapy, medications, and/or bracing or other supportive devices.
When other treatments for ankle arthritis fail, surgery may be recommended. Several types of surgery are available, including ankle debridement, ankle fusion, ankle replacement. Less typical are ankle arthrodiastasis and cartilage transplant procedures.

Hip osteoarthritis can take years—even a lifetime—to develop. The underlying cause of hip osteoarthritis can be related to a combination of genetics, injuries, lifestyle, and even birthweight.

The hip is a complex joint where many things can wrong. To diagnose hip osteoarthritis, a physician has to rule out other conditions, such as hip bursitis. Sometimes diagnosis involves medical imaging and testing.

Most people who have hip osteoarthritis experience a dull, aching pain in the hip, but some people feel pain in other places, such as the groin or low back. The pain may be accompanied by hip stiffness, a loss of range of motion, and joint grinding or popping sounds.

There are several treatments available for hip osteoarthritis, ranging from weight loss and exercise to therapeutic injections. People often need to use more than one treatment to get significant pain relief.

After being diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis, one of the most common questions people ask is “How do I keep my knee arthritis from getting worse? Thankfully, there are many doctor-recommended home treatments that can ease knee pain and potentially slow down the progression of knee arthritis.

This degenerative condition can cause minor to debilitating pain. Understanding how osteoarthritis causes back pain can help patients stop or slow the disease's progression and also reduce pain.
