There are several common options for treating hip arthritis. Among them, first usually what we recommend is physical therapy – a good regimented physical therapy program. This includes strengthening of the muscles of the core, your core strengthening, strengthening the hip flexor muscles, your hip extensors, improving your biomechanics, and improving the way you are balanced so that you, we try to minimize the pressure that’s on the joints and rather, make the muscles do the work.

What Activities Make the Pain from Hip Arthritis Worse?

There are certain activities that can make hip pain from arthritis worse and certain activities that can make it better. Specifically, internal and external rotation of the hip such as bending over, lying down on a bed – and actually lying down on a bed makes the toes spread out and increases the external rotation from the hip, this can be painful when the patient has pain coming from arthritis – prolonged inactivity for any prolonged period of time, can be painful, going up and down stairs may also irritate, instigate the pain.

What Activities Make the Pain from Hip Arthritis Better?

There are certain activities that can make hip pain from arthritis better. More specifically, gentle types of exercise that allow weight-bearing that encourage fluid to be, come back to the joint tend to improve the pain from hip arthritis. Rest, initially, also tends to be helpful on just relieving the pressure that’s on the joints.

Dr. Ana Bracilovic is a physiatrist at the Princeton Spine and Joint Center, where she has more than a decade of experience specializing in the diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of spine, joint, and muscle pain.
